stations of the cross

Monday, April 14th - Thursday, April 17th

at 1:00pm

palm sunday / sunday of the passion

April 13th at 10:00am

Holy Eucharist service with The Reverend Bonnie Spencer officiating.

This service will also be available to watch via YouTube.

holy eucharist wednesday service

April 16th at 1:00pm

maundy thursday

April 17th at 6:30pm

Holy Eucharist service which includes foot washing and stripping of the altar.

good friday

April 18th at Noon

Holy Eucharist service at Good Shepherd of the Mountain Lutheran Church.

easter vigil

April 19th at 6:30pm

Holy Eucharist with the lighting of the Paschal candle

and renewal of baptismal vows.

easter sunday

April 20th at 10:00am

Festival Eucharist followed by a special Easter coffee hour.

The Reverend Lea Colvill officiating.

This service will also be available to watch via YouTube.